Bead Pattern: Sakura Blossom ★★★

October 6, 2017

Sakura 桜「さくら」is the Japanese word for cherry blossom. They’re a symbol of Japan, and I can’t decide if they’re more famous than Mt. Fuji, but they certainly are everywhere. 

And while I’ve made small sakura before, I have never made one quite this size.


September 19, 2017

Mizuhiki 水引 is a kind of Japanese paper cord, often dipped in wax or wrapped in foil or string to make them colorful. It’s easy to find here if you know where to look, and I have a bunch of it because I mean, why wouldn’t I?

Kimono Bracelets

June 13, 2017

If you’ve seen my Instagram, you know that this is about all I’ve been working on. I’ve had the idea for a while now, but I never quite got around to making them. A loooooooong time ago, I made obi-ish belts, but never got around to doing more with the idea.