Free Coloring Page: Kitsune Queen

October 28, 2019

So I’ve been doing more lineart lately, because it’s oddly relaxing. Plus, I have an obscene collection of fancy kimono images from web sites and magazines that I love using for inspiration, but making them fantastical creatures… okay, like most of them are kitsune (fox spirits), but that still counts, right?

Well, I just finished up the line art for this one that I’m currently coloring because I have a murderous headache, and I thought I’d take a break to post.

Feel free to color this, just leave the signature and and the like on it if you do color it, but otherwise, feel free to print it off and color or digitally color or whatnot. I’d love it, too, if you shared your colored version with me, too, when it’s done!

If you really like this coloring page, please consider buying me a coffee through Ko-fi or ordering something from my shop!

I have a version with a blank kimono and no parasol, too, if you feel like making your own!

Please don’t repost the line art, just link people here if you know someone who’d like to color these in!

I’ll probably have some sort of prints up on my RedBubble when I get it finished up, too, and I’ll update here with a final version, but for now, here’s my WIP

I love jewel tone colors, and this color set is very popular for fall or winter. I have a few kimono in this rich blue that I adore, if only they’d fit me!