Bullet Journal: Books I Want to Read

January 14, 2019

As usual, with a new year is a new bullet journal. And I’ve been making pages like crazy. I’m also trying a new format, but I’ll write more about that later when I have the energy.

Last night, though, I felt like drawing a bit. Nothing major – the shaking has returned a bit, but only sporadically, so that’s nice.

I decided that this year, instead of just listing the books I have read, I’ll try to keep track of books I may want to read. Since I always see something and go “ooh, that sounds interesting” as I continue to pound my way thru the Wheel of Time. Which I am going to finish this year. I swear it.

Anywho, that’s what I worked on yesterday, and at the moment, I’m tracing out the bookshelf and making it look purdy in Illustrator to be able to be printed out! Keep an eye out for it, I really like it so far!

I’m trying to get more into artwork at the moment, things that can be printed off for your own bullet journals, or just whatever. One of these years, I’m going to invest in a printer, too, to add printouts to my own, since I figure why not? Just one more thing to add to the to-do, though, along with writing up basically every recipe I make regularly so I don’t have to think about it (and to share them all with you, of course, since cooking is like half of what I do lately).

If you want to see the printables I’ve made so far, they’re all gathered under the category “printables” which you can see if you click here!