Beading Patterns

September 28, 2018

I have so many beading patterns made, it’s not even funny. I just pulled out my bento box  (a kind of Japanese lunch box) that is full of stuff I’ve made over the years, and it is crammed full.

I had this intention, years ago, of putting together a book of beading designs based on Japan.

That was before my brain finally gave out on me, though. And this folder on my laptop seriously sits there, mocking me.

This is only about 1/4 of the designs I have made, most of them I haven’t gotten to digitize. They’re everything from bracelets, to charms, to 3D pieces a lot like that sakura I made a pattern for a long time ago.

Seriously. Look at all of these:

This is nothing compared to the piles of them that I have around. Seriously. Piles and piles of designs and more designs. 90% of them are Japanese inspired, too, from paintings, kimono, nature, or places we’ve been.

I wish I wasn’t… me. I wish I had the drive to learn some actual graphic design, to even put together an ebook. I wish I was brave enough to contact Miyuki (the people who make the best damned beads ever for stuff like this) and talk to them and see if they want to buy “a foreigners view of Japan” or something. I wish I wasn’t so tired all of the time, and when I’m not tired, I’m sad. I wish I could keep with something long enough without flipping to something else (see: beads -> temari -> resin ->  embroidery ->  sewing -> mizuhiki knots -> puraban (shrinky plastic) -> ??).

I flip to something else because I feel like I’m trash at whatever I’m working on now, and hope something else picks it up. I feel like a failure at everything I attempt, and I have these grand ideas that I really want to do, but I never tell anyone about them (like this book idea) because I know I’ll fail at it – I’ll either never do it, or I’ll do it any no one cares one bit about it.

I don’t know how artists can have confidence in their work, or themselves (although is there really any difference between “work” and “self” for most artists?). I envy artists who can art, and be proud of their art, and not wind up in a crying puddle like I have every time I think about how much of an abject failure I am, but I know I have talent, I just can’t get my brain to follow up and actually not hate myself.

Does any of that rambling make sense?

Either way, I should do something. This folder is actually haunting me right now, bothering me.

I have folders for other designs just like this one, too – graphic designs, artwork (digital and paintings), corset designs for fabric I have laying there, clothing ideas I’ve sketched to use up some of the piles and piles of kimono I have sitting around, embroidery designs, digital washi tape motifs, stuff to go under resin, stuff to have printed into stickers (yeah, I was actually thinking that people might like my dumb/cute characters enough to actually buy them, but I doubt I’ll ever get that far) or whatever. I have all these ideas, all this stuff, and my brain sabotages myself to doing anything more than regret that I can’t bring myself to work on them.

On the plus side, looking through Instagram gave me this video back, which at least makes my life a little happier. Tiny, baby Spice.

So that’s something.