Palpable Relief

May 8, 2018

So, last time I wrote something, I wrote about how my shaking tremors were getting so bad that I was in constant pain.

Well, I was finally able to talk to my doctor about it more, and since I was responding well enough to the other medicine, and I don’t have a history of asthma or the like, he could prescribe me something more for the shaking.

And it has been night and day.

An hour after taking these, I was able to walk straight, without my knees wobbling and feeling like they were going to pull themselves into the wrong directions with each step. I was waiting for the train home, and I could literally feel the instant it kicked in. I was walking along the yellow line on the platform, and just suddenly, I didn’t feel like I was going to fall, I was able to stand up straight, and hold my phone without fear of dropping it randomly.

It was surreal, to go from being jerked around like a puppet on a string to just not moving unless I wanted to.

I think I started crying on the platform, sitting and waiting for the train, it was such a relief. Luckily, no one bothers you when you’re the foreigner, but I’m sure I got some odd looks. But I don’t care. The tremors have all but abated, and while the drugs make me stupid tired (if you’ve ever had to take like 2-3 Benadryl’s, it feels exactly like that) and a little foggy headed, it is worth it.

The down side is, I have to take it every 6 hours on the hour, or the shaking comes back with a vengeance, but I honestly don’t care right now. I wake up shaking, having trouble with my coffee some mornings, but I don’t mind, because I know in an hour or so it will end. There’s a light at the end of my tunnel in the mornings.

I sleep a lot, naps aren’t uncommon, but I was assured I should get used to the meds in a few months and it will be easier.

So, I’m slowly starting to get my life back on track. More meds = more cost monthly for doctors, but I really don’t care right now. I can make things. I can clean the house. I can function like a human should.I’m even starting to teach a class weekly at a factory near by, so I get to learn all about how giant tankers are built, which I think is super interesting. There’s a park overlooking the shipyard, and when we moved here, I would go walk up there and watch them, it’s fascinating.

I have some new sewing projects to post shortly, too, so I promise I’ll be more active here. On another pleasant note, I have a baby tomato in my little balcony garden!