Between Sickness & Writing

November 15, 2017

It has been a weird November so far. No only is NaNo going on, but both Chris and I have been sick on and off (he significantly worse than I). The weather is getting colder, but all that means it that it’s still 100% humidity but chilly out, so it’s more bone-cold than anything.

On top of writing (or, not writing, since I’m behind), I’ve been trying to make things that people might want to buy. While I hesitate to say that we’re in a rough spot, we kind of are. If it wasn’t for the boon of finally getting my ad money from Youtube out that’s piled up over like 5 years, we’d possibly be without electricity for the moment.

So I’m starting to get paranoid that everything I’m doing, people aren’t interested in. I know that it’s mostly because no one has seen my stuff, so I’m trying to go all out with Pinterest and the like, but still. It’s kinda disheartening to make this stuff and then nothing.

But I’m trying to make new and different things. Also, I’m trying to learn new things too, because I just can’t settle. Probably why I can’t sell anything – it’s a random mix of all the weird stuff I love to make.

Having literal piles of kimono and obi waiting to be cut up is both inspiring and overwhelming. Like, if there is too much stuff and options, don’t you ever get locked in indecision on what to do with it next?

I’m kind of in that.

So I made a small clutch. Why not, right?

I really like it, it’s easy to carry and fits just about everything you need. Fully lined, good for fancy parties or whatnot. I dunno, it was a fun change from making obi bags and coin purses I guess. I have no idea if people will like them, but I’m happy with how it came out. Next, I’m going to try making one that looks more like an obi and less like a bow in the front, if I can manage.

I’m also thinking about starting to do bullet journal printables or ideas or something. Either way, I love how this week’s turned out!

The other day, we went to a big mall in the area. And they have an InCube there, which I love for stickers and washi tape.

Okay, I will own up to it. I own way more washi tape than any one person realistically should.

You know plastic grocery bags? I have one that is so full of rolls of tape that if I buy much more I’m going to have to graduate to either a larger bag or a second one. It is absolutely shameful.

So of course I bought more.

Plus stickers to boot. Because 2018 is the year of the dog, and that means I have so many cute pupper stickers it’s disgusting. And snow bunnies, because snow bunnies.

I have a real problem.

Many, in fact.

I just started learning how to make these pretty enamel flowers, by finishing my first big piece, a kanzashi (hair pin).

I really love how it came out, and while I don’t think I’d ever be able to sell them (there’s a reason that they’re ¥8000+ here when you find them handmade) since they take forever to make, I’m thinking I’m definitely going to start making video tutorials on how to make them. It’s much easier to see done, and hopefully people will like them!

I’ve been playing with them for a while now, but I just now got to get to a jewelry store to get some good wire – the stuff I was using before was really, really difficult to work with (hardware stuff from Daiso/¥100 store)

It’s not like they’re particularly hard to make (they are frustrating, I’ll give you that) but they just take so long to bend up, and paint, and then you punch a hole in the enamel because you didn’t let it sit long enough, or you let it sit too long so now it doesn’t want to bend and curl right like petals. Gah.

But, if you are willing to not throw it out the window into a river after lighting it on fire, they’re really pretty and cheap to make. Craft wire which should be like $3, and then nail polish which there’s a really good chance you already have. And some pliers. So for a $10 investment (barring JoAnn’s coupons) you can make some pretty spiffy stuff.

And finally, where would my long, rambling posts be without a Bean update?

She’s getting big. And is a derp.

The other two tolerate her being a kitten, which is great. And now that it’s chilly out at night, they all sleep together, so that’s awesome.

Looking like an album cover