Taking a Walk

October 13, 2017

Walking is something I wasn’t able to do easily in the recent past. My shaking tremors were full body at times, and if they came on when I was walking, I would most fall with every step, my legs refusing to follow directions.

While my medications still don’t have me up to where I could say I feel normal, they are helping. And today, I decided it was time to get out of the house – I actually don’t leave particularly often, unless it’s to go somewhere with my husband.

I have become a hikikomori– a Japanese shut in who never leaves the house. Not quite a NEET, but more depressed/morose.

Today was nice, and not gonna lie, I had to pay a bill at the convenience store or risk having the electricity cut off.

Did you know you can pay most bills in japan at your local convenience store? It is, truly, convenient. You can also have stuff shipped there so they sign for it and you pick it up, and if it’s from something like Amazon, you can even pay for it when you pick it up. Super cool.

Anyways, today was a walk kind of day. Weathers cooling off finally, although it was over 100 the other day (almost 38 for my non-American friends), but not today. It’s raining now as I write this, but that’s okay.

It was nice to get out and have lunch on a bridge in a park, over a river.

And the walking made me want to do stuff, so I actually worked on making another obi bag today – this one with motifs of matsu, or pine trees. It’s really one of my favorites, so much so that I’m happy I never got to get the tattoos I want done with sakura, as I’d like to have pines instead.

I may even start on another one!

This obi has winter motifs, snowy trees and bushes and the like, and a grand temple complex. I am so ready for winter, I just wish we got snow here in my corner of Kyushu, but that’s as rare as snow in Alabama I think.

So, it is a good day. Medicine is working, I am working, brain is working.

I hope your day is good, too!

P.S. All the photos are from chatting with my mother. I love the internet, technology makes me feel not lonely <3

P.P.S. Here’s a random picture of Bean, our new feral kitten turned housecat

A random plug, too: everything I sell on my Etsy store is going to help out this little terror and her family. Vet bills aren’t cheap, and neither are my drugs, but they’re both just as important.

So if you’re looking for cool holiday gifts, consider ordering something :3